
Wind PGC has successfully completed bankable wind measurement in Republic of Kazakhstan

11 January 2016

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Wind PGC has successfully completed bankable wind measurement near set. Zhuzimdik, Republic of Kazakhstan. On the Customer’s instructions wind measurements lasted one year. During wind measurement campaign meteorological mast and measuring equipment withstand the rigors conditions of sharply-continental climate. Temperature range at the site was from +42℃ in summer to −30℃ in winter. Wind gusts reached up to 39 m/s. General availability of weather data for the full year amounted to 98.99%, which is very high level for professional wind measurement. Metmast and measuring equipment were installed in full accordance with international standards TR6 rev. 9/IEC 61400-12-1. Thus the calculations for the design of future wind farm will be implemented with minimum error, and the average annual electricity generation on wind farm will be close to the maximum values.